Dmitri Bayanov, 1932-2020

Hello again Sasquatch Fans of All Ages…

As always, I hope all is well with all of you…

A bit of sad news to relay to everyone: I recently learned of the passing of noted Russian Hominologist Dmitri Bayanov on June 01, 2020.

Bayanov was born in Moscow, Russia and as a young adult he was involved with expeditions to the Caucasus Mountains in search of the Russian Almas. He eventually began conducting his own research, which lead to a good 55+ years of field study. He was one of the all-time greats in the field of hominology.  The term, hominology, was actually coined by Bayanov sometime in the 1970s and describes the study of living non-sapiens hominids such as Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Almasty and many other feral bipeds.

He was involved with Russia’s Relict Hominid Research Seminar and eventually became the group’s chairman. Bayanov also held various other leadership roles in other organizations such as the International Society of Cryptozoology and the International Center of Hominology.  He authored several books and contributed greatly to the field. (Yes, he was an obvious subject matter expert and he knew what he was doing.)

Bayanov was very influential to a much younger version of myself and I readily devoured his books. In fact, after reading and re-reading my copies of In the Footsteps of the Russian Snowman, Bigfoot Research: The Russian Vision and Russian Hominology: The Bayanov Papers – Fact & Folklore, I drew many parallels with my own research and began looking at the Boreal Sasquatch as a not so distant relative of the Russian Almasty.

Over the years of corresponding with other researchers, Bayanov’s name would eventually always come up in passing conversation. Fellow researchers always spoke very highly of his studies and level of dedication. Unfortunately, I never met Bayanov directly, but those who had, conveyed that he was a friendly and caring man, the kind of guy people liked being friends with. Bayanov had congestive heart failure problems and died at the age of 88.


Rest in peace Mr. Bayanov. We will all miss you…


Godspeed, loyal readers…  Patch for web

About Sasquatch Tracker

I am a private and independent researcher currently concentrating my search for Sasquatch and Marked Hominids in the northern frontier of Alaska. The primary focus of my research, field investigation and expeditions are in the interior of Alaska and the border area of the Yukon Territory.
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